
  • Patrik’s practice focuses on Corporate and M&A
  • Sectors Patrik specialises in include capital, financial and insurance market regulations as well.

Recent work

  • Advising a global battery market player in the establishment of a joint venture.
  • Advising various clients providing financial services.
  • Representing various fashion industry clients.

Professional Background

  • Studied at and graduated from Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law in 2021.
  • Admitted to the Budapest Bar Association.
  • Completed an internship at a reputable Hungarian law firm.


  • Mentesülés a kontraktuális kártérítési felelősség alól a COVID-19-járvány, valamint a gazdasági szankciók tükrében (Exemption from liability for any loss caused by non-performance of contractual obligations, with special regard to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic sanctions) (Kártérítési és Biztosítási Jog, 2021/3-4. sz.) https://kbj.hu/mentesules-a-kontraktualis-karteritesi-felelosseg-alol/


  • Hungarian
  • English

Practice areas

Sector experience