Data Protection Data Regulation and Privacy

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As consumers and regulators are becoming ever more conscious, managing customer and employee data has never been such a major source of risk for businesses. The stakes are high, and non-compliance with the ever more stringent regulations is definitely more expensive than hiring a competent and experienced legal team like ours, with comprehensive knowledge of both Hungarian and EU data protection and privacy laws.

Our experience includes the following:

Designing, conducting and implementing GDPR compliance, including the set up and operation of compliance control frameworks, which are indispensable to guarantee accountability;

Advising on all employment related-data protection matters, including employee monitoring, work council and trade union matters, subject access requests, whistleblowing proceedings, internal investigations, privacy of employees, subject access requests, and digital technologies;

Handling data protection issues regarding websites, digital solutions, smart devices and IoT devices, as well as marketing activities including online behavioural advertising;

Solving data issues in M&A transactions, outsourcing projects and commercial agreements;

Assistance in vendor management matters, third country data transfers, and other cross-border data flows;

Representing clients in regulatory proceedings and data protection litigation; and

Regularly advice on diverse data protection matters relating to marketing activities, employment, M&A activities, cross-border data flows, third-party service provider management, IoT and other fields

Our colleagues specialized in this practice