Our clients receive clear, simple and transparent legal solutions to their problems. They rely on us to provide them with comprehensive legal support in all areas of Hungarian and international business through our team of over 40 forward-thinking and success-oriented lawyers and legal experts.
Due to our tradition of retaining the best talent, our clients can take advantage of our team of top legal minds, a team with over 20 years of expertise together and a deep understanding of all business sectors and practices. In light of this experience, we understand the importance of tailoring our legal solutions to match the business needs of our clients.
Oppenheim is widely recognized as a market leader in the vast majority of its practice areas by the principal ranking agencies, including Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, Practical Law Company and IFLR.
As part of this international strategy, Oppenheim has developed strong relationships with other leading law firms in the region. As its first foreign relationship, our firm became affiliated with the Austrian law firm Heller Löber Bahn in 1989, which became Bruckhaus Westrick Heller Löber. This was a testament to the reliability and high quality of our legal services together with the expertise of our legal team. With this partnership, our clients could be ensured multi-jurisdictional legal support at a time of rapid globalization in the legal services market.
In 2000, this partnership expanded dramatically when Bruckhaus Westrick Heller Löber merged with Freshfields, Deringer Tessin Herrmann & Sedemund, resulting in Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. This merger was an important milestone for Oppenheim, both professionally and culturally.
As a member of an extensive multi-jurisdictional network, Oppenheim needed to meet exacting international standards. Under these standards, our firm has followed a basic tenet that our lawyers should acquire a broad depth of international experience and qualifications whilst also expanding our presence in foreign markets. As our lawyers have acquired over the years extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the international arena, our firm has been able to radically enhance the skills and experience of our outstanding team of professionals.
Our team members share the bonds of a sharp focus on professionalism coupled with a depth of social responsibility, which strengthens our internal cohesion. Our team consists of many outstanding individuals from diverse backgrounds who work harmoniously and effectively together while sharing the same values and principles.
By the end of 2005, our firm recognized that a new model was needed to focus on increased flexibility so as to provide sustainable high quality legal services.
Recognizing this shift, the management of the firm decided to lay the foundations of the firm on a new business footing, employing a two-fold approach. Firstly, our firm would establish economic and operational autonomy whilst maintaining strategic partnerships within an international legal network. Secondly, we would create an environment for providing competitive legal services by integrating our international know-how and experience within the framework of a new business model. By implementing these approaches, Oppenheim can offer attractive solutions to its domestic and international clients.
After a year’s preparation, we launched a newly independent commercial law firm on 1st November 2007, under the original Oppenheim name and retaining all of our lawyers.
We could accomplish this unique change in paradigm due to our recognition that our firm’s lawyers do not derive their motivation from abstract business models or revenue targets. They relish the prospect of being the most valued and trustworthy business partners of their clients. Oppenheim strives to be a point of stability to our clients in an ever-changing world.
The Oppenheim philosophy and approach can be summarized as follows: a team of renowned experts outstanding in their fields and recognized by the market clear, transparent and reliable solutions continuous innovation in the field of legal services synthesizing knowledge gained in international markets with domestic practice and utilizing it in the Hungarian market an in-depth understanding of the region’s markets a thorough understanding of the business and legal expectations of both multinational and domestic clients.
Oppenheim’s values are deeply rooted in the demanding standards set by our people and their professional, market driven approach. As a result, our clients appreciate our client-centric focus, which combines high quality service with extreme depth of legal knowledge.
Our goal is to develop simple, easy to understand solutions and transparent processes. Such solutions and processes require thorough planning, extensive experience and innovative thinking. Oppenheim can offer superior legal solutions to our clients due to the creativity of our people combined with their international legal expertise and first-rate sector specific knowledge.
Our culture requires:
Our clients receive a consistently high level of service due to our extensive experience, high quality infrastructure and ample capacity. Oppenheim’s flawless structure enables us to satisfy even the most complex demands.
Our strengths rest on:
Oppenheim’s team of colourful lawyers have been forged from our origins in the community combined with a rich history and a depth of experience. We have great talent, unique personalities, and an abundance of legal experience.
We are defined by:
Many members of our firm have been with us since their graduation from law school.
We believe in:
In 2012, Oppenheim established a branch office in Vienna, Austria, a major business centre and an important commercial interchange between the east and west of Europe. We opened this office in order to provide our clients with two primary benefits.
Firstly, our Western European clients can take advantage of our Vienna office as a convenient anchor point for doing business in Eastern Europe. We provide complete legal support to clients wishing to obtain assistance regarding their activities in Eastern Europe but, for reasons of time management, prefer to deal with an office in Vienna.
Secondly, our Eastern European clients can rely on our Vienna branch office as a springboard for serving their needs as they seize opportunities in a united Europe. Our team of experts in Vienna is aware of the needs, expectations and requirements of clients acting on the international stage. Such clients require a clear understanding of local legal or regulatory frameworks in order to successfully conduct business in multiple markets. Our Vienna branch office provides the best possible legal advice enabling clients to maximise profits whilst protecting their legal interests.
We provide legal advice and support in connection with:
In 1989, Hungary became the first country in Central and Eastern Europe to establish diplomatic relations with South Korea. Since then, over 300 Korean companies have entered the Hungarian market, fostering numerous business relationships. In response to the growing legal demand arising from these connections, Oppenheim established the Korea Desk in strategic partnership with the Korean law firm, Jipyong.
The Korea Desk leverages its extensive experience and expertise across various legal fields, including corporate law, labor law, environmental regulations, consumer protection, competition law, intellectual property, finance, state subsidies and fair trade. Comprising of seasoned professionals, the team collaborates closely with Jipyong’s Korean experts who are permanently stationed at Oppenheim. Together, they provide tailored legal solutions to meet the needs of Korean clients.
Notably, Oppenheim is widely recognized as a market leader in various practice areas by major ranking institutions such as Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, Practical Law Company, and IFLR.
1989년 중동부유럽 최초로 한국과 수교를 맺은 헝가리와 한국은 약300여개의 한국기업이 진출할 정도의 수 많은 비즈니스 관계를 구축하고 있으며, 이에 따른 법률수요가 늘어남에 따라 오펜하임은 한국의 법무법인(유)지평과 전략적 제휴 관계를 통해 코리아 데스크를 만들었습니다.
이미 다양한 한국기업과의 관계를 통해 습득한 한국기업 문화와 비즈니스 경험을 법무법인(유) 지평과의 제휴를 통해 더욱 발전시키는 계기가 되었으며 한국고객을 위한 최고의 전문가들로 구성된 코리아팀을 구성하였습니다.
코리아데스크는 20년이상의 경험과 기업법무, 노동, 환경, IP, 금융, 공정거래등 전분야에 걸친 전문가로 구성되어 있으며, 특히 법무법인(유) 지평에서 파견된 한국인 전문가가 상주하고 있어서, 고객의 요구에 맞는 법률솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다.
특히, Oppenheim은 Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, Practical Law Company 및 IFLR을 포함한 주요 순위 기관 대부분의 업무 영역에서 시장 리더로 널리 인정받고 있습니다.